What do we talk about when we talk about freedom?
artCONVERSATIONS, LLC invites artists from all cultural, religious, political and economic backgrounds to engage in an all media conversation about freedoms imagined and freedoms lived. The stunning events of recent history compel each of us to define, imagine, and discover possibilities for the freedoms of a meaningful life. For each member of the human family- symbols, stories, and traditions are cast into a crucible from which unique standards of freedom emerge. Artists are invited to create artworks expressive of freedoms that are anchored and nuanced by cultural, religious, political and economic perspectives. This exhibit presents an opportunity for viewers to recognize how people come to think the way they do about freedom.
We invite your interest and participation in an upcoming exhibit in art, music and poetry:
an artistic conversation about the aspirations for freedom
Click HERE for the submission form.
Sincerely yours,
Naomi Fishman